
MAGNET is a joint research team between INRIA and CRIStAL.

A primary objective of MAGNET is in making artificial intelligence more acceptable to society by solving some ethical issues of Machine Learning (ML) and on empowering end users of artificial intelligence. From a scientific perspective we focus on privacy, fairness, (data) sobriety. Our approaches are typically based on the common theme of leveraging the relationships between data and between learning objectives. We study graph-based machine learning methods which are the common foundations of the research group and we rely on methods coming from statistical and computational learning theory, graph theory, representation learning, (distributed) optimization and statistics.

We are mainly interested in provable properties for machine learning algorithms but we also consider more empirical work. Our application domains cover health, mobility, social sciences, voice technologies.

Research themes

Our research is organized along three main axes:

  • Mining and learning in graphs: we study the trade-off between predictive accuracy, computational complexity and verification of ethical properties for graph-based learning algorithms.

  • Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing: we study how to enhance NLP methods with graph-based learning algorithms and how to develop ethical learning algorithms in NLP. The objective is to go beyond vectorial classification to solve task like coreference resolution and entity linking, temporal structure prediction, and discourse parsing.

  • Decentralized Machine Learning: we address the problem of learning in a private, fair and energy efficient way when users and data are naturally distributed in a network. From an algorithmic perspective, we study federated learning and fully decentralized learning and optimization. We also consider research on a global and holistic level, in complex pipelines that involve learning.




  • Professor
    • Angèle Brunellière

Antoine Barczewski

Apprentissage automatique décentralisé respectueux de la vie privée

Mouad Blej

Technologies scalables de protection de la vie privée pour l'apprentissage fédéré

Ioan-tudor Cébère

Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

Edwige Cyffers

Apprentissage automatique décentralisé respectueux de la vie privée

Marc Damie

Secure protocols for a verifiable decentralized machine learning

Brahim Erraji

L'équité dans l'apprentissage fédéré

Aleksei Korneev

Technologies fiables et multi-sites renforçant le respect de la vie privée

Dinh-viet-toan Le

Approches de traitement automatique du langage naturel dans le domaine musical : adaptabilité, performance et limites

Bastien Lietard

Modèles Computationnels pour le Changement Sémantique Lexical

Gabriel Loiseau

Apprentissage par Transfert Préservant la Confidentialité et l’Utilité pour l’Anonymisation de Texte

Clément Pierquin

Intelligence artificielle et génération de données synthétiques sous contraintes de confidentialité

Aurélien Said housseini

Modélisation cognitive computationnelle de la mémoire sémantique et son acquisition

Quentin Sinh

Vers un apprentissage automatique générique, décentralisé, sécurisé et préservant la vie privée

Les autres équipes du groupe thématique ' DatInG '